Green Comes Back!!!

Posted: September 29, 2013 by Sankar Vijayakumar in Village Wizard
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A village wizard who solved the nature’s puzzles! – 10


The new water management system made the water table level to rise immensely and made the farmers feel the life of land. The little rainfall it receives is trapped and stored into the soil. Once they need to dig 80-125 feet for water in wells and now it’s available within the range of 15-40 feet. The changes done as a result of the team effort of villagers brought back the green with a smile.

The villagers take pride in keeping their home and surroundings clean. The widespread disease has become a thing of the past. Babool trees that were earlier cut for fuel are now cared for, harvesting its gum that sells for Rs. 2,000 per kg. The fields are lush with maize, jowar, bajra, onions and potatoes.

In the mean time Jeet planned more for additional revenue to the villagers. He got the farmers to invest on milk cattle. He got them to stop cattle from grazing in the forest as it had ecological implications. Instead, he persuaded them to grow more fodder. The focus on livestock resulted in the gradual increase in milk production bringing in steady revenue.

The village has always planned ahead. In 2008, the gram sabha passed a resolution requesting that cars should not be used within the village to save fuel and cycles could be used instead. If they want to go to distant places, they resort to a car pool.

For energy, the village uses solar power, biogas (some generated from the community toilet) and a windmill. The project is heralded as a sustainable model of a village republic. The village’s biggest accomplishment is in its use of non-conventional energy. For example, all the village street lights each have separate solar panels.

The return of green made more families to return to Devgiri with the desire of becoming farmers/ live life with dignity.

 New Plans…Stats say that…

Writer’s block 🙄 :
The end is near…


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